Screven Men’s Ministry update
We would like to encourage the men to participate in the collection of items needed for the Kentucky Backpack Ministry. Listed by each month are the items we will collect.
Thank you for the toothbrushes and toothpaste
collected at the January meeting!
There is a change in location for FEBRUARY!!! Please take note!
February 20 - Holly Hill - Deodorant for boys and girls
March 20 - CLM at Santee Circle - Socks for boys and girls age 8-17
April 17 - Corinth - Shampoo and Soap
May 15 - Calvary - Washcloth
June 19 - Harleyville - Canned Ravioli
July 17 - Jedburg - Vienna Sausage
Aug 21 - Wassamassaw - Crayons & Colored Pencils
September 18 - Salem - Canned Fruit- Metal cans only
October 16 - Berkeley -Box of Pop tarts
November 20 - Memorial - Beef Jerky/Beef Stick/Beef & cheese stick
The goal is to fill 1000 Backbacks!
You may Contact the Men’s Ministry Director, Stanley Bruce at
843-291 4320 or for more information.