latest news
- Annual Church Profile (ACP) 1
- Baptist Courier News 1
- Changed Lives Ministry 1
- Christmas Backpack Ministry 7
- Disaster Relief 1
- Events 7
- Men's Ministry 11
- Ministry Assistants 12
- Mission Trip 8
- Music Ministry 1
- Pastor Appreciation Month 1
- Pastor's Wives 3
- Prism Process 1
- Prison Packet Ministry 1
- SCBC News 11
- Screven News 48
- Tyner/Jackson Mission Offering 2
- VBS 10
- Vocal Performance Workshop 1
- WMU 3

WMU:Christmas Backpack Collection
Christmas Backpack Collection date will be
one day only at the Screven Office:
Thursday, October 6, 9am-4pm.

Samaritan’s Purse - Operation Christmas Child: Seasonal work positions available!
Samaritan’s Purse is currently looking to hire approximately 500 Christian men and women to fill paid positions for a four-week project with Operation Christmas Child, and we need your help to spread the word!

Everyone Can Do Something Foster Care Tour
God hasn't called everyone to be a foster parent, but everyone can do something. Free event, registration required.

ACP Report Coming Soon!
We have just gotten confirmation from the South Carolina Baptist Convention that the ACP-Annual Church Profile- will be on its way to your church very soon.

Associational VBS team Leader Spots Available!
Screven Baptist Association has some vacancies on the Associational VBS team. If you are a VBS enthusiast we need you!