latest news
- Annual Church Profile (ACP) 1
- Baptist Courier News 1
- Changed Lives Ministry 1
- Christmas Backpack Ministry 7
- Disaster Relief 1
- Events 7
- Men's Ministry 11
- Ministry Assistants 12
- Mission Trip 8
- Music Ministry 1
- Pastor Appreciation Month 1
- Pastor's Wives 3
- Prism Process 1
- Prison Packet Ministry 1
- SCBC News 11
- Screven News 48
- Tyner/Jackson Mission Offering 2
- VBS 10
- Vocal Performance Workshop 1
- WMU 3

Screven Baptist Association Mission Trip Opportunity
Screven Baptist Association Mission Trip Opportunity to Jenkins, Kentucky & Tennis Shoes give-a-way!

Screven Men’s Ministry update
We would like to encourage the men to participate in the collection of items needed for the Kentucky Backpack Ministry. Listed by each month are the items we will collect.
There is a change in location for FEBRUARY!!! Please take note!

73rd Annual Meeting of the Screven Baptist Association
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
6:00 pm
Summerville Baptist Church
417 Central Ave.
Summerville, SC 29483

South Carolina Baptist Disaster Relief: Hurricane Ian response in Florida
The following South Carolina Baptist Disaster Relief units and volunteers are now on STANDBY for the Hurricane Ian response in Florida: Mass Feeding, Fixed Kitchen Feeding, Chainsaw with chaplain, Mud-out with chaplain, possibly Laundry.